Everything about conio.h library functions in C/C++ · Tech Support Whale

This article provides a detailed introduction to the conio.h library functions in C/C++, including what they do and how they can be used. This is part of our technology support articles which provide guides for various technologies such as software development, hardware design, science and more..

The conio.h library functions are used to perform I/O operations, manipulation of text and other properties in C/C++ programming language.

The “conio.h functions list in c” is a library function that provides access to the console input and output functions. It is used by programmers who are writing programs that require console input or output.

Whenever you develop a C program, you must include the header files stdio.h and conio.h. Have you ever wondered why your software needs these header files?

On the internet, there is a wealth of knowledge on the stdio.h header file and its routines, but programmers sometimes struggle to find information about the conio.h header file and its functions.

So, in this article, you’ll discover a list of all the conio.h library functions, as well as sample source code and a conio.h header file example. Let’s begin with a high-level summary.

In C/C++, what is conio.h?

Console-Input-Output (conio) is the acronym for Console-Input-Output. The conio.h header file is a non-standard C and C++ header file. This file provides console input-output routines that MS-DOS compilers often utilize.

We’ve covered some of the most significant and extensively used functions in the conio.h header file. To move across any function, just click on it.

Note: To build and run the conio.h header file functions, use the Turbo C compiler.

Contents table:

The functionalities of the conio.h header file are as follows:


You may clear the output command window using this function. We commonly report the status of code execution, error information, and output results from the command prompt. If you wish to clear the existing written information on the output console during code execution, use the clrscr() method.

Declaration of a Function:

void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void


main int () / Message to be removed from the screen printf(“Press any key to remove the message”); getch(); clrscr(); / Message to be shown after the previous message has been removed getch(); return 0; printf(“The previous screen has been cleared.n”); printf(“The previous screen has been cleared.n”); printf(“The previous screen has been cleared.n”); printf(“The

Also also our list of the top 50 Turbo C++ keyboard shortcuts.


To read characters from the keyboard, use this function. This method may also be used to keep the output screen on hold until the user types a character. The output screen shuts in a fraction of a second if you don’t utilize this function.

Conio.h provides the non-standard function getch(), while getchar() is a standard c library function.

Declaration of a Function:

getch(void); int getch(void);


printf(“Press any key to continue…”); getch(); return 0; int main()


The getch() method is comparable to this one. The main difference is that in addition to printing the value supplied by the user in the output window, this function also prints the value entered by the user.

Declaration of a Function:

getche(); char getche(); char getche(); char get


printf(“Do you wish to continue?” int main() (YES or NO) return 0; getche();


Do you wish to continue? Y oui oui oui oui oui oui oui oui ou


To print information in the output window, use this function. On the output window, this function prints just one character at a time.

Declaration of a Function:

int putch (int c); int putch (int c); int putch (int


putch(ch); int main() char ch =’w’; int main() char ch =’w’; int main() char ch =’w’; int main() char




To read a string of characters from the console, use this method. This function reads characters until carriage-return (CR) and linefeed (LF) are encountered (LF). At the conclusion of the string, the cgets() method replaces CR/LF with the null terminator ().

Declaration of a Function:

char* str; char* cgets(char* str);


main int (void) printf(“Enter some characters:”); p = cgets(buffer); printf(“n Entered characters: ” percent s”n”,p); return 0; char buffer[83]; char *p; buffer[0] = 81; printf(“Enter some characters:”); p = cgets(buffer); printf(“n Entered characters: ” percent s”n”,p); return 0;


To print a string of characters on the output screen, use this function. The newline and carriage-return characters are not added to the string. It does not transform the newline character (n) into a carriage-return (r) and new-line character combination (n).

Declaration of a Function:

(const char *str); int cputs


getch(); return 0; int main(void) cputs(“Friends, welcome back!”); int main(void) cputs(“Hello Friends”); int main(void) cputs(“Hello Friends”); int main(void)


Hello Friends


The cscanf() method searches the console for input and reads it. To read input in the desired format, a format specifier is supplied to the cscanf() method. When it reaches the end of the input stream, this method returns EOF.

Declaration of a Function:

int cscanf(char *format,…) int cscanf(char *format,…) int cscanf(char *format ;

Note: In the sample cprintf() code below, the cscanf() function is used.


The cprintf() method outputs output values to the console in the specified format.

Declaration of a Function:

int cprintf(const char *format,….); int cprintf(const char *format,….); int cprintf(const


main int (void) char string[20]; cprintf(“Enter a string value: “); cscanf(” percent s”,string); cprintf(“Entered string value is: percent s”, string); return 0; char string[20]; char string[20]; char string[20]; char string[20]; char string[20]; char string[20]; char string[20]; char string[20];


Fill in the blanks with a string value: TechSupportWhale TechSupportWhale is the value of the entered string.


This function may be used to see whether a key has been pushed or not. When a key is pushed, it returns a non-zero value; otherwise, it returns zero.

Declaration of a Function:

kbhit(); int kbhit();


while (!kbhit()) printf(“Please press a keyn”); return 0; int main() while (!kbhit()) printf(“Please press a keyn”); return 0; int main() while (!kbhit()) printf(“Please press


Until the user hits any key, this software will continue to print “Please press a key.”


To alter the color of a text, use this function.

Declaration of a Function:

textcolor(int color); void textcolor(int color);


textcolor(BLUE); cprintf(“Whale Tech Support is delighted to welcome you.”); getch(); return 0; int main()


Whale Tech Support is delighted to welcome you.


To alter the backdrop color of the text, use this function.

Declaration of a Function:

textbackground(color>); void textbackground(color>);


textbackground(RED); cprintf(“Welcome to Tech Support Whale”); getch(); return 0; int main()


Welcome to Tech Support Whale

What is the best way to incorporate conio.h in your C program?

To include the conio header file in your application, use the following syntax.


What exactly is #include?

In C/C++ programming, the word ‘include’ refers to a pre-processor directive that allows you to import header files into your program. It also tells the compiler that certain header files should be processed before compilation.


That is all there is to it. We hope you now have a better understanding of the conio.h header file and the functions it provides. Please provide your thoughts in the comments area.

Good luck with your studies!

The “conio.h no such file or directory” is a error that can occur when trying to compile and run a program. This article will show you how to fix the problem, as well as provide information about conio.h library functions in C/C++.

{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are the functions of conio H?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: Conio H is a function used with the C library. It stands for console I/O functions, or input output routines. This includes reading from and writing to the keyboard buffer of an application with no user interface”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is #include conio h in C?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: #include is a preprocessor directive in C programming language. It enables files to be included from other files by referencing them with the include keyword, which can appear anywhere within the code.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What does conio H stand for?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: This is a very difficult question. It would be most helpful if you could provide more examples of what conio H stands for so that I can better help you with this question.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the functions of conio H?

A: Conio H is a function used with the C library. It stands for console I/O functions, or input output routines. This includes reading from and writing to the keyboard buffer of an application with no user interface

What is #include conio h in C?

A: #include is a preprocessor directive in C programming language. It enables files to be included from other files by referencing them with the include keyword, which can appear anywhere within the code.

What does conio H stand for?

A: This is a very difficult question. It would be most helpful if you could provide more examples of what conio H stands for so that I can better help you with this question.

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