How to Troubleshoot “No Route” Error in Discord

Discord is an online chat platform designed to be a gaming hub. The app offers many features, including voice and video calls, text messaging, screen sharing with other users on your team, as well as the ability for groups of friends to stay in touch easily and quickly. However, sometimes Discord will encounter problems that hinder its functionality or cause it to go down completely- which can lead to frustration from all parties involved. To troubleshoot “no route” errors in Discord you should try these steps:
1) Open up a command line window by clicking Start>All Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt 2) Type this into the prompt (type cmd first if using Windows 10): ping 3) You should see something like 25ms 4ms 1w4d 5j0m3s 6t8h5m33s7 at the very least.) If not then open another command line window with nothing typed into it and type ipconfig before opening a new tab again

The “no route rtc connecting discord” is a problem that can occur when you’re trying to connect to your Discord server. This article will provide solutions for the issue.

How to Troubleshoot

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Many customers have recently complained that they are getting a “No Directions” problem and are unable to connect to the voice server as a result.

Many Discord users are unable to join the voice channel due to the “No Route” issue. What can I do to resolve this issue? After reading various articles on how to cure the Discord “No Route” problem, I’ve compiled a list of the most effective options that may be of use to you.

If you’re having trouble fixing the Discord “No Route” problem, try one of the following remedies at a time.

What’s generating the “No Route” issue in Discord?


  • Your network’s QoS isn’t functioning.
  • The PC is connected to a VPN but is not utilizing UDP.
  • Your network administrator has disabled Discord.
  • The IP address that has been allocated to your machine has changed.
  • Discord is blacklisted by third-party firewall and antivirus applications.
  • The server’s language region is incompatible with your client.

How can I solve the Discord problem “No route”?

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  • Step 1: Get the PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Microsoft Gold Certified for Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, and Vista).
  • Step 2: Select “Start Scan” to look for Windows registry issues that might be causing your computer to malfunction.
  • Step 3: To address all faults, click “Repair All.”



Set up your antivirus and firewall software.

  1. To begin, press the “Start” button.
  2. Type “Control Panel” into the search box.
  3. Select “Small icons” from the “View by” drop-down menu.
  4. “Windows Defender Firewall” should be selected.
  5. “Advanced Settings” should be selected.
  6. In the left sidebar, click “Inbound Rules,” then “New Rule” in the right sidebar.
  7. For the new rule, choose “Port” and then “Next.”
  8. “Does this rule apply to…” is listed under “Does this rule apply to…” “TCP” should be selected.
  9. Select “Specific Local Ports” from the drop-down menu.
  10. Click “Next” after typing “443” in the text field.
  11. Then click “Next” after selecting “Allow Connection.”
  12. “Where does the rule apply?” is included under “Where does the rule apply?” Click “Next” after selecting three options: “Domain,” “Private,” and “Public.”
  13. In the “Name” section, type “Discord,” and add a description if desired, then click “Done.”

Restart the PC and modem/router.

A simple reboot may be all that is required to resolve a technical issue. Even if you have a static IP address, you need restart your modem/router to update your network settings and clear any blocked system resources. After that, attempt to rejoin to the channel.

In your VPN, enable UDP.

Discord seems to operate well with VPNs that allow connections using User Datagram Protocol (UDP). If you’ve recently updated your VPN settings, consider resetting them and restarting your computer before attempting to connect to the channel again. This will hopefully restore your connection and enable you to connect again.

RECOMMENDED: To resolve Windows issues and improve system performance, go here.

Most Commonly Asked Questions

Because the Discord app cannot run with a VPN that does not support the User Datagram Protocol, another probable source of the Discord “no route” problem is a VPN connection (UDP). To resolve this issue, turn off the VPN entirely and reconnect Discord to the voice server.


  1. Restart your computer and modem/router.
  2. Discord should be whitelisted or the firewall of a third-party ISP should be disabled.
  3. Change the server’s language region.
  4. Disable Quality of Service (QoS) in voice and video settings.


  1. Type Windows Defender Firewall into the search box on the Windows key.
  2. Select Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click New Rule on the right-hand side of the new page.
  4. Click Next after selecting Program.
  5. On the following screen, under the This program path option, click Browse.




Watch This Video-

The “how to fix discord no route” is a problem that has been present for a while. There are many fixes to this issue, but the most common one is to delete your Discord cache files.

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