CyberpowerPC Gamer Xtreme VR GXiVR8020A Review

Take your gaming experience to the next level with this VR ready computer. With its Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070 GPU, you’ll be able to play games like Doom VFR and Fallout 4 in full 4K resolution at 60fps. The case is surrounded by a metal mesh for cooling purposes, helping keep everything running smoothly during intense game sessions.

The “gxivr8020a motherboard” is a powerful, affordable gaming system with the latest Intel Coffee Lake processors. It is also VR ready and has an amazing sound system.

We just came across a new prebuilt gaming computer option from CyberpowerPC in the $700 pricing bracket that piqued our curiosity, so we decided to investigate more. We’ll take a closer look at the CyberpowerPC Gamer Xtreme VR GXiVR8020A in the following thorough CyberpowerPC Gamer Xtreme VR GXiVR8020A review.

Note: CyberpowerPC has launched multiple different versions of this computer. The original GXiVR8020A model is the subject of this review. As of November 2017, the most recent model is the GXiVR8020A4. See our evaluations of additional models of this PC below:

For years, CyberpowerPC has been building prebuilt PCs, with a particular concentration on gaming setups. We’ve already examined a few of their entry-level gaming PCs (under $500), including the GUA3100A and GUA880. While they provide good value, we found them to be entry-level and underwhelming in terms of performance.

However, for the more serious gamer, the CyberpowerPC GXi VR 8020 A offering is fairly intriguing, and on paper, quite impressive in terms of gaming performance. Let’s take a deeper look at the hardware that comes with it and how well it performs.

We’ll compare the GXiVR8020A offering to our $700 gaming PC setup just for fun, so you can see how they compare. At the time of writing, the CyberpowerPC Gamer Xtreme GXiVR8020A was available on Amazon for roughly $720.


CyberpowerPC Gamer Xtreme VR GXiVR8020A Overview

The Gamer Xtreme GXiVR8020A from CyberpowerPC is a prebuilt gaming desktop computer that includes a separate USB wireless adapter as well as a wired gaming keyboard and mouse. The looks of this box are rather beautiful, with a large transparent viewing glass inside the case, as well as three red LED case fans to keep things cool.

The performance of this prebuilt has left us extremely pleased. It makes advantage of the brand-new RX 480 graphics card, which is a fantastic GPU capable of handling even the most demanding AAA games at high settings. Because you can’t even purchase all the separate pieces for the price that the GXiVR8020A is now being advertised at, it provides outstanding value for money.

You may update this PC in the same way that you can upgrade any other desktop computer.


  • Price
  • The AMD Radeon RX 480 is an excellent graphics card for the money.
  • With keyboard, mouse, and wireless networking, this is a complete package.
  • A nice casing with a viewing glass and lots of red LED case fans to keep things cool.
  • Windows 10 Home is a free version of Windows 10. is preloaded on this prebuilt machine.
  • Future hardware updates are possible.
  • 1 year warranty and free technical assistance for the rest of your life


  • There is no solid-state drive.
  • Because there is just one PCI slot available, SLI (dual graphics card) is not an option.
  • The LED case fans continue to run.
  • Those with older monitors will require an HDMI or display port converter to connect them to the computer.
  • Mouse and keyboard of poor quality
  • Unknown power supply brand
  • Depending on availability, component brands may vary.
  • With the standard components, there is no way to overclock (insufficient power)


As usual, the performance of this PC is our first concern. Along the way, we decided to compare the GXiVR8020A to our $700 gaming setup just for kicks to see how they compare on paper.


The Intel i5-6402P, a quad-core processor with the newest Skylake architecture, is used in CyberpowerPC’s GXiVR8020A. It features a 2.80GHz clock speed and a 3.4GHz boost clock speed. This CPU was introduced in the fourth quarter of 2015, and it looks to be a somewhat reduced version of the Core i5-6500, which was released in the third quarter, but it will still perform well in games.

The benchmark scores for the CPU utilized in the GXiVR8020A and the Core i5-6500 that we used in our $700 gaming setup are shown below.

gxivr8020a-vs-700-gaming-build-cpuThe GXiVR8020A’s CPU benchmark results are compared to the CPU suggested in our $700 gaming configuration. It performs better with a higher score. CPU benchmark (source)


Let’s move on to the graphics card on this computer, which is unquestionably one of the most crucial hardware components in any gaming machine. The GXiVR8020A comes with a Radeon RX 480 4GB, a freshly introduced AMD graphics card. The RX480 is a fantastic card that was just introduced in June 2016 and has all of the performance that you’d expect from a freshly released graphics card that uses the most up-to-date graphics rendering methods.


The RX 480 and the GTX 1060 we used for our $700 gaming setup are compared below. As you can see, the GTX 1060 performs somewhat better, which is one of the benefits of constructing your own PC and being able to pick your own graphics card.

However, the RX 480 remains a terrific pick; it outperforms the GTX 960 and is roughly on level with the GTX 970, which we recommended in our $700 and $800 configurations only a few months ago. Technology advances at a breakneck pace, which is great news for gamers! Support for new technologies like as nVidia’s G-SYNC and AMD’s liquid VR technology is also available on newer GPUs.

gfx-gxivr8020a-vs-700-gaming-buildBenchmark results for the GXiVR8020A compared to our $700 gaming setup. It performs better with a higher score. CPU benchmark (source)


The GXiVR8020A comes with two ADATA XPG Z1 4 GB sticks running at 2133MHz for a total of 8GB of system memory. DDR4 RAM, in addition to being the most recent type of system memory, has certain power improvements over DDR3 under Intel’s Skylake architecture.

While the two sticks take up two RAM slots, this isn’t a big deal for this setup since the GXiVR8020A’s motherboard (the MSI Bazooka based on the B150M chipset) has four RAM slots. So if you want to do a quick RAM update in the near future, you still have two slots available. You’re ready to go after you’ve inserted your additional 1 or 2 sticks.

When compared to our $700 gaming setup, the overall system memory is comparable, with our design using a single 8GB DDR4 RAM stick.


The GXiVR8020A uses a 1TB 7,200rpm hard disk for storage. Although 1TB is enough of storage and should last a long time, it’s a pity this model doesn’t have any solid state drive (SSD) storage. Of course, there’s enough room within the casing to install more storage disks (we recommend SSD!) at a later date if you so choose.

We feel that once you go SSD, you never go back (at least not gladly), therefore we made it a point to get a smaller 120GB SSD into our sub-$700 construction. While it may not be big enough to hold your full collection of games, films, images, and data, it is plenty for installing your operating system (OS) and maybe a few critical games. This method will result in much quicker boot times, loading times, and overall performance while navigating and using the OS.


The Cooler Master Masterbox 5 was utilized by CyberpowerPC, and it was outfitted with red LED illuminated case fans to complete the gaming PC aesthetic. This case has a nice look in addition to the large transparent viewing glass, and added case features like cable management, support for additional case fans, and/or liquid cooling make it a highly adaptable option. In addition, this bundle includes a DVD/RW optical drive and, despite the absence of an on-board wireless card, a USB wireless adapter enabling cable-free internet access.


In the video below (skipped to the view of the PC tower itself – you can rewind to earlier in the movie if you want to watch the complete unpacking), you can get a nice look at the GXiVR8020A: S0?t=13m41s


The GXiVR8020A’s hardware is all reasonably fresh where it matters, with the major ticket components such as the CPU and graphics card having release dates of late 2015 and mid-2016, respectively. This means you can be certain that you’re receiving the most up-to-date gear that will last for years.

In terms of performance, CyberpowerPC has made strong hardware choices, which means that this prebuilt gaming machine will be able to handle practically everything you throw at it with ease. It will play most, if not all, AAA gaming titles on high settings, and you’ll probably have at least 1–2 years of experience with this kind of gaming before you need to start dropping settings to high and medium when newer games are released.

If you want to use this PC for more demanding applications like rendering, video editing, signal processing, and the like, you should consider upgrading the system RAM. However, for most gaming applications, 8GB of RAM is plenty, and the standard setup should enough unless you want to use the GXiVR8020A in other demanding applications such as those described above.

Because it can handle even the most demanding games with ease, the average user will have no problems using this PC. Those who are accustomed to a solid state drive may notice the 1TB hard drive’s slower boot and load speeds, but if this bothers you, replacing it with a tiny solid state drive is a simple repair (we’ll address SSD upgrades below).

It’s probably not suitable as an everyday use computer since it’s bigger in size and the LED case lights (which cannot be turned off because they will be lighted anytime the fans are running) may be unpleasant. The Gamer Xtreme VR, on the other hand, is ideal for individuals who want to use their PC as both a daily computer and a gaming machine.

It’s worth noting that individuals planning to use older monitors with this PC may need to acquire an adapter in order to connect them. If your monitor only has a VGA or DVI connector, you may require one of the converter types below. The RX 480 has three display port outputs and one HDMI port, thus depending on your monitor cable, you may need one of the adapter types below.

qAdapter from HDMI to VGA (Click to view on Amazon)


1632876229_32_CyberpowerPC-Gamer-Xtreme-VR-GXiVR8020A-ReviewAdapter from HDMI to DVI (Click to view on Amazon)


1632876230_787_CyberpowerPC-Gamer-Xtreme-VR-GXiVR8020A-ReviewDVI to Display Port Adapter (click to view on amazon)


1632876231_685_CyberpowerPC-Gamer-Xtreme-VR-GXiVR8020A-ReviewVGA to Display Port Adapter (click to view on Amazon)


Gaming Capabilities

On paper, the GXiVR8020A seems to be a respectable gaming machine for most mid-range gamers, so let’s see how it really performs in user-reported real-life testing.

In reality, thanks to the latest RX 480 graphics card and i5-6402P CPU, this PC can now handle practically any gaming title you desire at 1080p resolution on max or at least high settings while still achieving 50FPS or more, depending on the game. So, if you buy this PC, you can crank up the settings to maximum and still play without latency in most circumstances.

There are numerous of youtube films displaying in-game performance of the GXiVR8020A on popular games to provide you some real-world samples. The information below is based on gaming testing conducted by youtuber Tech Deals; you can see additional samples of the GXiVR8020A running games on his channel, which includes the following titles:

Battlefield 1 Beta, Battlefield 4, Mirro’s Edge Catalyst, Star Wars Battlefront, Need for Speed, World of Warships, Star Wars the Old Republic, World of Tanks, Guild Wars 2, League of Legends, Titanfall, FIFA 16, Dragon Age – Inquisition, Minecraft, Crysis 3, Counter-Strike:GO, Fallout 4, Grand Theft Auto V, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider, Witcher 3, Hitman, Defense Grid

Below are links to videos and a breakdown of the settings and frame rates recorded over 5-10 minutes of gaming for some of the games mentioned above. This information comes from youtuber Tech Deals.

1. Grand Theft Auto V (Average: 74 FPS, Min: 51 FPS, Max:101 FPS)

1080p, Full-screen anti-aliasing enabled, VSync disabled, MSAA disabled, and settings set to Max, Very High, and Ultra.



2. The Witcher 3 (Average:43-62 FPS, Min:31-54 FPS, Max: 53-71 FPS)

Because The Witcher 3 is a difficult game, it was tested on both ultra/high and high/medium settings.

1080p, Vsync disabled, ‘extreme’ and ‘high’ postprocessing presets (Average:43, Min:31, Max : 53)


1080p, Vsync off, postprocessing ‘high’ and’medium’ presets (Average:62, Min:54, Max : 71)


3. Fallout 4 (video game) (Average: 60 FPS, Min: 55 FPS, Max: 62 FPS)

(Note that the Fallout 4 physics engine limits the in-game FPS at 60, so this is nearly a perfect score) 1080p, ‘ultra’ settings preset (Note that the Fallout 4 physics engine caps the in-game FPS at 60, so this is practically a perfect score)


Dragon Age: Inquisition is the fourth game in the Dragon Age series. (Average: 54-90 frames per second, minimum: 39-61 frames per second, maximum: 68 – 112 frames per second)

Due to the fact that Dragon Age: Inquisition is a demanding game, it was tested on both super and high settings.

1080p, Ultra settings (Average: 54 FPS, Min: 39 FPS, Max: 68 FPS)


1080p, High Settings (Average: 90 FPS, Min: 61 FPS, Max: 112 FPS)


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is the fifth game in the Counter-Strike series. (Average: 264 frames per second, minimum: 115 frames per second, maximum: 300 frames per second)

1080p, high settings, no vertical sync

This game will most likely run at 60FPS on the GXiVR8020A even at 4K resolution, however competitive gamers using 100 or 144Hz high refresh rate displays may obtain 144+ FPS at 1080p.


Crysis 3 is the sixth game in the Crysis series (Average: 62 FPS, Min: 42 FPS, Max: 92 FPS)

Anti-aliasing is turned off in 1080p. Vsync is turned off, and the texture resolution is set to high.

Because Crysis 3 is a pretty demanding game, running it with anti-aliasing turned on will result in lower frame rates.


7. Keep an eye on the situation (Average: 70 FPS, Min: 54 FPS, Max: 71 FPS)

1080p, no VSYNC, no buffering Settings for graphics: Ultra



Virtual Reality (VR) is a kind of virtual

All of this gaming discussion leads to another facet of gaming that has yet to truly take off: virtual reality gaming. If you’re unfamiliar with virtual reality, imagine a fully realistic gaming experience delivered through a headset and tracked hand-held controllers — very exciting stuff!

The GXiVR8020A is fascinating since it’s being touted as a VR-ready system, so if you really wanted to, you could acquire a VR headset and be ready to go! It can play most virtual reality games in some form.

In Steam, here’s a good overview of how the HTC Vive (one of the available VR controllers today) works:


While virtual reality isn’t widely used currently, it will undoubtedly become so in the future. Some of the VR games shown on YouTube are quite fascinating, and the immersive feeling that VR provides is something we’d want to test out soon!

Headsets for Virtual Reality

The Occulus Rift and the HTC Vive are the only two major VR headsets on the market right now.

If you’re prepared to spend an additional $600 or so, the GXiVR8020A is actually available on Amazon as part of a bundle with the Occulus Rift:

1632876233_131_CyberpowerPC-Gamer-Xtreme-VR-GXiVR8020A-ReviewFor an additional $600 or more, CyberpowerPC offers a bundle package that includes a GXiVR8020A PC and an Occulus Rift VR headset. has it for sale.



The HTC Vive, on the other hand, comes with a full set of headsets, tracking controllers, and speakers. This is also a little pricy right now, but if you want to be on the cutting edge of technology, check it out below!


1632876234_695_CyberpowerPC-Gamer-Xtreme-VR-GXiVR8020A-ReviewVirtual reality headset HTC Vive (Click to view on Amazon)




The GXiVR8020A is being upgraded.

CyberpowerPC has put together an excellent gaming machine in the $700 price bracket, but the greatest thing is that you are not restricted. It’s completely upgradeable, and the superb case and motherboard choices will enable gamers to experiment with a variety of upgrades right now or later on.

It’s critical to start with a decent ‘foundation,’ which normally implies a good motherboard and CPU, when upgrading a PC. Fortunately, this is the case with the GXiVR8020A, so if you’re considering about buying one, you’ll be off to a good start. The PC itself is in decent enough shape that no upgrades are required right away, but if you have a little more cash to spare, we propose the following common upgrades:

  • Upgrade to a solid state drive (a’must’ for us since we adore the speeds SSDs provide)
  • Upgrade your RAM (only necessary if you feel the 8GB RAM is holding you back)
  • Upgraded power supply (optional)

This video demonstrates how to increase the RAM and install a solid state drive in the GXiVR8020A. (including the cloning process).



Upgrade to an SSD

One of the first changes we’d do to this PC is to install an extra solid state drive (SSD). If you’re still utilizing conventional hard drives, you’ll be astounded by the loading and boot times you’ll receive when you choose an SSD over a mechanical hard drive.

We’d suggest keeping the GXiVR8020A’s 1TB hard drive as a secondary drive, but upgrading to at least a 120GB SSD (or greater if you like and can stretch your budget) would be much more helpful. Installing your operating system (OS) on the SSD and using the hard drive as a secondary storage drive is the best approach to optimize such a combination.

Even with 120GB, you can probably put one or two of your most-used games, as well as your operating system, on the SSD; this will result in much quicker loading times when reading from the disk in-game.

The Kingston HyperX Fury 120GB SSD is a less expensive option for switching to an SSD, but the Samsung 850 EVO series is a better option if you want a higher-quality drive.



If you intend on shopping via Amazon, you may upgrade this PC to include an i7 CPU and extra storage (including an SSD).

For anyone considering upgrading this PC, we’ve included a complete list of specs at the conclusion of this post that may be used as a guide.

Users may wish to consider the following improvements in the next 2+ years:

  • Upgrade your graphics card (though the RX 480 will definitely stand you in good stead for at least a couple of years)
  • Upgrade to overclocking (not really necessary at this point in time as the Core i5-6402P processor is very new and benchmarks quite well)
  • If you feel the processor has become a constraint, you may change it to a core i7-6700T inside this same motherboard.

While most of these improvements aren’t required in today’s gaming environment, some gamers like to plan ahead and keep their choices open. However, the following are some of the limits you may encounter with this PC when it comes to upgrading:

  • Because there is just one PCIe-x16 slot, twin graphics cards cannot be used.
  • The MSI Bazooka motherboard has no m.2 ports.
  • Maximum power supply of 600W (stock)

If you want to upgrade this computer in the future, make sure to read the specs at the bottom of this review, as you’ll want to consider available motherboard slots and I/O capabilities.

Specifications for the CyberpowerPC Gamer Xtreme GXiVR8020A


It should be noted that, depending on availability, CyberpowerPC may modify the specific brands or models of hardware components. The specifications listed below are based on the GXiVR8020A’s current offering.

Number of Models:


System of Operation:

Windows 10 Home


2.8GHz Intel Core i5-6402P Quad Core (3.4GHz boost). Details may be found here.


AMD Radeon RX 480 graphics card

Up to six screens are available as outputs (with the use of a hub). Virtual Reality (with suitable headsets) is supported.

3 – Display Port 1.3/1.4 HDR output ports; 1 x HDMI 2.0b output port

1266 MHz base / 1120 MHz boost clock speed

Supported digital resolutions: 4096 x 2160 via DisplayPort or HDMI

Height: 1.54′′, Length: 10′′, Width: 5′′ Dimensions: Height: 1.54′′, Length: 10′′, Width: 5′′ 

The full specs for graphics cards can be found here and here.


The chipset utilized is the MSI Bazooka B150M, although CyberpowerPC may modify the motherboard used. “The motherboard used in this model PC is based on the Intel B150 chipset and supports LGA 1151 CPU’s,” according to CyberpowerPC’s support team, and “The brand may vary depending on availability,” so while they are currently using the MSI Bazooka, it could be a different spec motherboard in the future. Just one to keep an eye on. If you opt to buy this PC, we’ll presume you’ll acquire the MSI Bazooka motherboard for the sake of this review.

The following connection options are offered for the GXiVR8020A:

6 USB 3.0 ports | 4 USB 2.0 ports | 1 RJ-45 Network Ethernet 10/100/1000 ports | 7.1 channel audio | keyboard and mouse

The specifications shown below are for the MSI Bazooka motherboard, although they may change depending on stock and availability. If the specific motherboard utilized in your new PC is crucial to you, we suggest checking this with the seller before placing an order on Amazon.

Socket LGA 1151 (CPU)

Intel® B150 Chipset Intel® B150 Chipset Intel® B150 Chipset Intel® B150 Chipset Intel

Micro ATX (9.3 in. x 9.0 in.) form factor (23.5 cm x 22.8 cm)

4 DIMM slots, max 64GB DDR4 2133 MHz memory

1 × PCIe x16 (Gen 3) and 2 x PCIe x1 expansion slots (Gen 3)

Supported outputs: 1 HDMI, 1 DVI (from onboard graphics, though these ports become automatically disabled due to the RX 480 graphics card)

Audio: 7.1-Channel High Definition Audio, Realtek® ALC887 Codec

Realtek RTL8111H Gigabit LAN Controller for gigabit LAN

6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports; 1 x SATAe port (PCIe 3.0 x2) [backwards compatible with SATA] SATA: 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports; 1 x SATAe port (PCIe 3.0 x2)

6 x USB 3.1 Gen1 (SuperSpeed USB) ports (4 on the rear panel, 2 through internal USB connection); 6 x USB 2.0 (High-speed USB) ports (2 ports on the back panel, 4 ports available through the internal USB connectors)

Connectors for internal I/O:
  • 1 × ATX main power connection (24-pin)
  • 1 × ATX 12V 4-pin power connector
  • 6 × 6Gb/s SATA connections
  • USB 2.0 connections (two) (supports additional 4 USB 2.0 ports)
  • 1 × Gen1 USB 3.1 connection (supports additional 2 USB 3.1 Gen1 ports)
  • 1 × 4-pin fan connection for the CPU
  • 2 x 4-pin fan connections for the system
  • 2 x Connectors for the front panel
  • TPM module connection (one)
  • 1 × Intrusion connection for the chassis
  • 1 × Connector for Serial Port
  • 1 × Port Connector (Parallel)

The information above was gathered from this website.

I/O ports on the back:

1 keyboard port (PS/2) 1 mouse port (PS/2) 1 HDMI input 1 DVI-D connector There are two USB 2.0 ports on this device. USB 3.1 Gen1 ports (four) 1 LAN port (RJ45) There are three audio jacks in total.

I/O Ports on the Front of the Case:

The GXiVR8020A is housed in a Cooler Master Masterbox 5, which can accommodate up to four 120mm case fans or even a 280mm front radiator if you want to go with liquid cooling.

Front ports are conveniently arranged on the front of the case in a high position for easy access when the tower is placed underneath desks.

2 USB 3.0 ports 1 audio input (microphone) 1 audio output (headphone)


ADATA XPG Z1, 2 x 4 GB DDR4 2133MHz internal memory (Memory brand may possibly vary based on availability)

Internal memory maximum: 64 GB


1 TB total storage capacity, HDD storage medium, SATA hard drive interface

Power Source:

600 Watt high-capacity power supply (HPG-600BR-F12S)


TP-LINK AC600 Wireless Dual Band USB Wireless Adapter

Drive Optical:

Dual-Layer LG 24X DVDRW Drive


Inches: 9.25 (W) x 21.57 (H) x 20.16 (D)

32 pounds


The CyberpowerPC Gamer Xtreme GXiVR8020A prebuilt gaming computer is a well-built gaming machine that can run practically any game on the market today with respectable performance. In the spirit of virtual reality, it can also run VR games if desired. The newest AMD RX 480 graphics card with a Skylake core i5 CPU provide excellent hardware performance.

Sure, there are some shortcomings we could point out, such as the absence of a solid state drive and the motherboard’s lack of expansion ports, but at the end of the day, this prebuilt is hands down one of the greatest value-for-money prebuilts we’ve seen. You couldn’t put this together yourself for the same amount, and why would you when you can have it all done for you, complete with an operating system?

The GXiVR8020A is a good foundation mid-range computer to start with for any serious gamer, whether you’re looking for a gaming computer that’s ready to go out of the box or one you can enhance in the future.


The “cyberpowerpc gamer xtreme” is a gaming computer that offers the best of both worlds. It has a powerful processor and graphics card that can be upgraded to meet your needs.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is the CyberPowerPC Gamer Xtreme upgradable?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: Yes, the computer can be upgraded with a dedicated graphics card.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Does the CyberPowerPC Gamer Xtreme?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: The CyberPowerPC Gamer Xtreme is a high-end gaming desktop that comes with Intels latest and greatest, powerful CPU. This computer has the ability to handle demanding games like Fortnite at 60fps without any hassle. Its GPU can also push 4K 30Hz video playback for an immersive experience while youre playing your favorite game or watching movies online.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is CyberPowerPC compatible with VR?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: CyberPowerPC is compatible with VR, but not all of their systems. They offer multiple different models that will be more or less compatible depending on the game youre playing and what hardware your PC has.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the CyberPowerPC Gamer Xtreme upgradable?

A: Yes, the computer can be upgraded with a dedicated graphics card.

Does the CyberPowerPC Gamer Xtreme?

A: The CyberPowerPC Gamer Xtreme is a high-end gaming desktop that comes with Intels latest and greatest, powerful CPU. This computer has the ability to handle demanding games like Fortnite at 60fps without any hassle. Its GPU can also push 4K 30Hz video playback for an immersive experience while youre playing your favorite game or watching movies online.

Is CyberPowerPC compatible with VR?

A: CyberPowerPC is compatible with VR, but not all of their systems. They offer multiple different models that will be more or less compatible depending on the game youre playing and what hardware your PC has.

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