How to Start a Blog on Blogger (Step

Blogging is an easy way to express your thoughts, share content and build relationships with like-minded people. Blogging has become a healthy hobby for many people around the world that they can use it as their source of income or even start their own online business. If you are new to blogging then here is how you can get started on blogger easily

Starting a blog can be daunting for many people, but it’s actually quite easy with the right tools. Our general overview of how to start your blog on Blogger will walk you through what you need to know in order to set up your blogging website.In an effort to find a blog that suits your interests, you can start one of your own.

The “how to create a blog on blogger step by-step pdf” is a guide that will teach you how to start your own blog. The article will provide step-by-step instructions, and also has links for more information.

Are you looking forward to starting a blog on Blogger in 2021?

What a fantastic concept! But where do you begin when it comes to blogging? What is the point of departure?

Is it possible to blog for free?

When you Google it, you’ll find a plethora of resources on the web and on YouTube that explain how to start a blog for free. Because there are so many blogging platforms available in 2021, these concepts may alter.

If you’re new to blogging, though, Google’s Blogger platform is the ideal place to start. Surprisingly, it’s completely free to use!

Before a few years ago, I used to do my blogging. That is the simplest method for starting a blog for free.

I learnt a lot more about blogging from that site, and it’s incredibly simple to utilize with your own Google Account.

Update for the year 2021: is now a pretty simple blogging platform! More customization, functionality, and integration with other tools are not possible to increase your audience. If you’re serious about blogging, I strongly advise you to build a self-hosted WordPress site to enhance your skills.

However, if you simply want to try your hand at blogging, the blogger is still the way to go!

Does this seem appealing to you?

So, in this post, I’ll show you how to use Blogger to build a blog and generate money. Let’s get this party started!

What exactly is a blog?

A blog (sometimes known as a weblog) is a form of website that displays material. Blogs are normally maintained by one person, and they are updated once a day, once a week, once a month, or as needed.

Google claims that

– Google Search – What is a Blog?

What is the definition of a blog niche?

A blog niche is a specified subject about which you will write on your blog. It may aid in the development of a following for your blog. Writing about your subject allows you to consistently produce high-quality material for your blog.

This article might help you choose a niche if you don’t know where to start. You may certainly learn all you need to know about how to create a blog for free.

How Do I Begin a Blogger Blog?

  1. To begin, go to and choose “Create Your Blog.”
  2. Go to your Google Account and sign in.
  3. You’ll be redirected to the blog creator page after you’ve signed up. Put your blog’s name (Title) and URL in that box! (You can get a free subdomain from Blogger, or you can purchase a domain name from Namecheap or Namesilo later for the best price.)
  4. Select a theme and then click “Create Blog!”
  5. You’ll be sent to the blogger dashboard after you’ve clicked. Yes! That concludes our discussion. You’ve completed the process of creating a blog.

What is the Best Way to Write a Blog Post?

  1. You may begin your posting by clicking the orange “New Post” icon at the top of the left corner.
  2. You’ll be sent to the writing area after you’ve clicked. It’s a breeze to use. It’s the same as if you were composing a document in Microsoft Word.
  3. Make a memorable title and create your own content for your article.
  4. When you’re a newcomer to blog writing, like me, use the Optimum Spelling & Grammar Checker for best practice. Grammarly is a browser plugin that will assist you in writing the greatest blog articles possible.

Once you’ve completed the writing process. You have the option of publishing or saving your post as a draft. (Those selections may be found at the top of the right corner.)

How-to-Start-a-Blog-on-Blogger-Step [Image courtesy of Ahrefs]

These few choices can help you structure your content when you publish it on your blog. To keep your blog clean, I suggest utilizing these settings. These choices may be found on the left side under “Post Settings.”

  • Labels: Labels may be used to properly organize your postings.
  • Schedule: Use this option to schedule your post for a certain day or time.
  • Permalink: This may assist you in creating and editing your blog post’s url. (
  • You may include your posting location in the post.
  • Options: Handle reader comments, compose mode, and line breaks using this option.

How Can I Increase My Views and Traffic?

Unfortunately, it is not simple. To increase traffic, you must publish more appealing content. People will always enjoy your site if they like your articles.

To begin, we must produce outstanding content and be distinctive. That is the most important thing you can do to increase the amount of traffic (visitors) to your blog.

1632875019_237_How-to-Start-a-Blog-on-Blogger-Step[Image courtesy of Ahrefs]

  • Using Social Media: Once you’ve published and posted anything, you may share it on your social media accounts or sites. Use social media sites such as Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter. Using’s free graphic creation tool, attempt to acquire more visitors from Pinterest in particular. It’s simple to accomplish. Concentrate your efforts on one or two social media networks.
  • Viral Content Bee is a fantastic tool for increasing the number of social shares on your blog entries. Your social media traffic will skyrocket as a result.
  • Allowing others to subscribe to your blog: You may enable others to subscribe to your blog using their Google account.

To add this option to your blogger blog, go here.

Click “Add Gadget” in the Layout section of your blogger dashboard. It will display a list of Widgets. Then choose the “Followers” Widget and save it. That concludes our discussion.

What is the Best Way to Make Money on Blogger?

Can you earn money blogging with Google Adsense? Yes, absolutely! If you’ve never heard of Google Adsense, it’s one of the most effective methods to make money from a blog. Adsense will place advertisements on your blog and pay you a commission.

Before you apply for Adsense, you’ll need excellent traffic and 15-25 original posts on your site. Read on to learn how to receive Adsense approval in ten simple steps.

Sponsored Content: You may create pieces that describe or highlight a certain product or service. First and foremost, you must some traffic since no one will sponsor you if your site has minimal traffic.

Affiliate marketing: The majority of bloggers use affiliate marketing to supplement their revenue from their blogs. You may advertise their items on your blog, much like Amazon Affiliates, and they’ll pay you a percentage if they sell. Here’s where you can learn more about Amazon Affiliates.

What Does the Future Hold for Blogging?

The blogger platform is completely free to use. Yes, you may add the “” domain to a blogger blog if you wish to add a top-level domain. I suggest Namecheap or Namesilo for purchasing a domain name since their costs are quite reasonable.

Rather of worrying about the money, focus on the quality of your blog’s content. When your material improves, you’ll be able to make more money from your site without any restrictions!

I hope you like my post about How to Start a Blogger Blog in 2021. Also, don’t forget to visit my blogging resources page for more ideas on how to expand your blog!

Good luck with your blog!


Blogging for beginners can be a daunting task. If you are interested in starting your own blog, the “blogging for beginners” is a great place to start.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you become a blogger step by step?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: Becoming a blogger is difficult, but there are many things you can do to get started. Blogs range from personal journals written by individuals or shops that sell products online to long-form articles with topics such as politics and finance. Once you have your blog up and running, its time to start posting content!”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you start a blog in 5 steps?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question, I will give you a detailed answer.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you start a blog in 3 steps?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: Step 1- Sign up for a blogging platform like or Blogger
Step 2- Set your blogs settings to publicly available and published by default
Step 3- Write posts!”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you become a blogger step by step?

A: Becoming a blogger is difficult, but there are many things you can do to get started. Blogs range from personal journals written by individuals or shops that sell products online to long-form articles with topics such as politics and finance. Once you have your blog up and running, its time to start posting content!

How do you start a blog in 5 steps?

A: I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question, I will give you a detailed answer.

How do you start a blog in 3 steps?

A: Step 1- Sign up for a blogging platform like or Blogger Step 2- Set your blogs settings to publicly available and published by default Step 3- Write posts!

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